Social responsibility is really important to us because we are really blessed in our proffession and in our life so we want to use this to offer opportunities to those who are more less fortunate than us.
During the filming of CURTIZ we organised the CURTIZ Film Tour where we hosted 3 young students –- who came from and their companion teacher. The students have an extreme talent is different fields of science but they have one thing in common: the love the world of filmmaking.

One of the most amazing events in the film's life was the private special screening, where we've been gathering for an important issue for us. We opened the CURTIZ Shop, where we've been selling CURTIZ gifts and the total proceeds was donated to the Heim Pál Children's Hospital Foundation. For more than 20 years now, the Heim Pál Children's Hospital has set up a Foundation to support its development, ensuring the smooth and professional care of sick children.